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I love my kitty. You should too. Bow down before her feline power!

Bocephus. only when she is in trouble. most people just call her Bobo.

Bobo is appx 14 years old. By appx we dont know exactly when she was born, but she came into our household in the summer of 1988. I worked as a grocery clerk at the local Piggly Wiggly and sometimes strays would wander to the loading dock, looking for handouts. One day there was a full-grown grey tabby on the loading dock and he was just laying there. He could not move much... and when i picked him up he whined. I put him in a box and took him home that evening (it was a Friday nite). I gave him water and soft cat food... which he ate and drank it all. i went to work the next day and when i came back the cat could not be found. The next morning, under my Uncle's car, the cat was found. very dead. now, to a 16 yr old that had not been exposed to much of the world, this was pretty devastating. i had to go to work and the cat dying put me in a gloomy mood all morning. i came home and when i walked on the porch i saw everybody sitting on the swing and the chairs next to it. there was something... white, in my Uncle's lap. the white fuzzball turned her head and looked at me with a pair of the bluest eyes i had ever seen. Kitty!

Bobo in the same planter as one of our Elephant Ear plants.  kawaii!

kitty! kitty! kitty!


this pic had been sitting around on my harddrive for a while... decided to upload it.